Welcome to Nine Months. I will be blogging here for
the next nine months about what it is like to be pregnant and take care of a young child!
I have one daughter who was born in January of 2002. Now I am expecting our
second (and final!) child the first week in December 2003.
Tuesday, May 27, 2003 AAAHHH-CHOOO Heave!! (12 Weeks)
As if morning sickness (make that all-day sickness) isn't enough, my allergies have started acting up. I just started getting springtime allergies a few years ago. They aren't fun. I can sneeze up to 10 times or more in a row, my eyes water, my nose runs and it feels like there is a bug living up there. That bug moves around and makes me sneeze! What fun! But here's the interesting part...my sneezes sometimes trigger my gag reflex (since it is so sensitive from morning sickness) and I will do this sneeze/gag thing. I imagine it is pretty funny to an onlooker. I know that my husband gets a chuckle out of it. Oh, the things we women have to endure to bring a life into this world... Go hug your mother!
I finally got to have an ultrasound done this morning. Everything looks good. I got to see the baby's heart beating. It actually looks like a baby now. The last ultrasound picture that I posted was rather strange looking. They could not see why I would have bleeding. Luckily, that has pretty much cleared up. I hope it doesn't happen again because it was quite scary. I made me feel so much better to see that little heart beating. Here's our little peanut:
Sunday, May 18, 2003 Another Scare (10 Weeks 5 Days)
On Friday about 5:30, I discovered that I was bleeding rather heavily. It was such a scary moment to see this. I called the doctor immediately. Of course, he didn't seem as concerned as I was. He told me that he's seen women bleed gallons and continue with a healthy pregnancy and he's seen women who had the smallest drop of blood miscarry. Well, that didn't really make me feel any better. I told him about the small amount of bleeding that I had at 6 weeks and that the ultrasound showed that everything was okay. He said that the only way to make sure the baby was okay was with an ultrasound and that there are no technicians available over the weekend. I could go to the ER but they would only call in a technician in if it was a life threatening situation. He told me that I am more than welcome to go to the ER if I feel it's necessary. After an hour, I was still bleeding. Just for a piece of mind, we decided to go. The ER doctor checked me out and said that the cervix is closed tight and that is a good sign. If I was going to miscarry, I would have been dilated. That was relieving, however, I want to know why I was bleeding! So, tomorrow I have to call the doctor and try to get an emergency ultrasound done to make sure that the baby is alright. I'll be thinking my positive thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed...
Thursday, May 15, 2003 "I Will Feel Good Tomorrow!" (10 Weeks 2 Days)
I am a believer in the power of the mind. I feel that our thoughts produce many of our daily outcomes. I've had a hard time with this over the past few weeks since I have been feeling so bad. How can you possibly be positive when you feel like you're going to croak? Over the past few nights before going to bed, I say several times in my head, "I will feel good tomorrow." I really didn't expect it to work, but it was worth a shot. To my surprise, I have started to feel just slightly better over the past couple of days. And believe me, slightly is a good thing! It could also have to do with the fact that I have been a little bit busier and am not focusing on the way I am feeling. Either way, I'll take it. And I will continue to tell myself every night that I will feel better tomorrow!
Just for fun, I added a "Guess The Gender" Pool to this page. It's over there on the left, under the pregnancy picture. I thought it would be fun to see what gender people guess that I am going to have. Of all the family and friends we have only two guessed a girl when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was totally convinced that I was having a boy. I don't know why, it was just a feeling I had. So far, this pregnancy is very similar to the last, so I am thinking that it would be another girl. I still have a lot of time to guess though! I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but we will not be finding out the gender before the baby is born. It's much more exciting that way!
Friday, May 09, 2003 Tossing Cookies (9 Weeks 3 Days)
Yesterday was my worst day yet. The nausea got to me so bad that I just couldn't keep breakfast down. Then in the afternoon, I got some kind of intestinal issues. I hope that was the worst and now I will start feeling better! I can dream. I slept for 10 hours and then took an hour and a half nap in the afternoon. I'm going to get some blood work done today and I am praying that they discover that I am anemic. That would explain why I feel so horrible and some good iron pills should take care of the problem.
Monday, May 05, 2003 What A Great Hubby (8 Weeks 6 Days)
I am so lucky to have a great, understanding and extremely helpful husband. Luckily, he works part-time at home so when I am feeling particular bad, he will watch our daughter and give me a chance to rest. I don't know what I would do without him. He is so wonderful. He puts up with my whining about being sick and crying about being tired. He listens to me and tells me that everything will be okay. He's such a great person. Our children are so lucky to have him for a father. And I am so lucky to have him for a husband.
Friday, May 02, 2003 A Good Day! And Now It's Gone (8 Weeks 3 Days)
I felt so good yesterday! It was unbelievable. I did so much. I took my daughter for the park where we played for over an hour. I took her for an afternoon walk in the stroller. I mowed the grass while she slept. (I know it's not the best thing for a pregnant gal to do, but it kept me from sitting around feeling sick!) I did some laundry, swept a floor... It was awesome to just feel decent. I knew that it was too good to be true, though. I've been nauseated all day today and extremely tired. But I am making myself do something other than lay around tonight. I am finally going to use a gift certificate for a manicure that my husband bought me shortly after our daughter was born (15 months ago!). Tonight we have plans with friends for a parents night out. Hopefully, I'll be too busy to notice how I feel.